Episode 44

Why the Narcissist is Attracted to your Empath Light | How to Cleanse their Negative Energy

Published on: 30th March, 2023
Why do Narcissists woo empaths so intensely? and love bomb them?

It seems that Narcissists are attracted and “prey” on Empaths intentionally. Why is that? 

I will answer for you in this episode today.  Plus I will share how to guard your energy and cleanse your aura from all the negative emotions you scoop up out in the world. 

Here are some key moments:

  • Why Narcissists suck your Empath light 
  • How to guard and cleanse your Empath aura 
  • How each Human Design type can shine your Light out 

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Empath & Narcissist Healing Book


44. Why are Narc attracted to empaths? How to Cleanse your Aura



a trauma informed spiritual mentor, certified meditation teacher, and human design expert. I'm empowering empaths three times a week in recovery and healing from narcissistic abuse, childhood trauma through human design, self-care, mindfulness advice, and expert interviews. This is season five

Episode 44. Why are narcissists attracted to impacts? And how. To cleanse your aura from the narcissist.

Do you know, That you are like a magnet. An energetic, emotional sponge.

Can you relate to the fact that when you come home after being out. In public. You feel tired, you feel exhausted. You feel like you need to go vege on Netflix for. 5,000 hours. You don't really want to fall asleep, but you just feel like your brain is a zombie.

So I just entered my podcasts in a contest. To create a powerful professional podcast cover. And so I've chosen the finalist and I'm changing the podcast cover.

By Friday. So by tomorrow. So that way I'm giving you a heads up. So when you see it, it'll still have my picture. It'll still have my branding colors, but it won't have the black background with the rainbow. So it'll look a little different. I just want to give you the heads up. There's a little change and I promise.

The podcast cover art will not change for a very long time. Now after this. I'm really happy with the results and i hope you are too That is your empath. Absorbing all of the emotions. Negative. Good, bad. We all emit energy. And if we do not protect our auras, and even when we do protect our auras. We absorb things because of our different open centers and our human design. And this, these feelings that we're absorbing. Of course are not always good and happy. They're heavy. They're negative. There's fear. There's worry. Anxiety, stress.

All the things. And then we'd ourselves also experienced them going out into the world. , this is the hardest part as an empath is knowing how to protect ourselves and how to cleanse your aura after you've gone out. And you've done all these things. Now the narcissist is attracted to our beautiful light. We are kindhearted. We are open. We are.

You know, living life full of love and eyes wide open through rose colored glasses. This is our unique superpower. But the evil of the world and the trauma and the negativity of the world. Sees that as an opportunity. To take advantage of us. So it's imperative. The reason that the word of the year for me and my family is.

To learn to Sermont is for Culver reasons. But for number one is because of this, this, especially this year with certain energy clashes. Happening in. Everywhere. The Astros, the astrology, the Chinese astrology. There is a lot of things that's going to be taking place on the internet. And since we all are on the internet,

I want my children and myself to make sure that we aren't susceptible to scams. To misinformation. So the word of the year for me is discernment.

And as M paths, we need to use discernment, especially when it comes to the narcissist narcissists, lacks the ability to own responsibility for their actions. And. They choose to remain stuck. In their immature emotional state.

The narcissist. Is attracted to us empaths because they see us. As somebody who can fulfill their, every need in a selfless way. And we do it. We've. Given them everything we've given them all the advice we could ever give, like countless of free therapy hours. We've given them all the resources they could have. We've given them our labor by doing all the chores in the house. We've given them our love by allowing them to abuse us and yell at us and walk all over us.

We've given them our hearts. That they can hook their energetic cords into. And I talk further with

In season four, episode 91. Release trauma from narcissistic abuse with the emotion code and she's coming out for another interview on our show. Talking further about my experience with her clearing my emotion code subconsciously. An episode. 77. How do you stop your subconscious from pulling you towards the narcissist? And that will be airing may 28th. so subscribe to stay tuned to listen to that It's amazing And these happen energetically, where they hook into us because they want our light and they don't want to work for their own light. They have their own light within them somewhere that's been buried or. Traumatized or blocked away with the heart wall, which again, I talk with mod V about. But they don't want to work to break down their heart wall. They want to keep it up. They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to keep up their heart wall. They want to keep up their defenses.

And have our light and our help. Coming. Into their lives

I'll be right back after this commercial break. So the impasse may also, you may be unconscious. You may be asleep to the fact. That there are a Wolf's out there. And what are the signs in this sheep's clothing? And you may be asleep to the fact that they are emotionally immature.

So this is when us and pass. Can open up our hearts and our homes and our lives. And we lacked discernment because all we feel is the need to fix and to love and to nurture. And then we fall for the narcissist victim game. That is. There. That is their forte. They turn it around and they become the victim and then we feel sorry for them. And then we need to help them and fix them and love them.

Have you ever felt bad for the narcissist? I have. Too many times. Because they're humans because you're looking at them in the right lens. You're looking at them as a real human being. They are not some. You know, Well, we say they're heartless and they act heartless. But they aren't. Heartless evil villains without a soul, they do have a soul and they are on this karmic journey. Just like you.

They're just making all the wrong choices. But it's not your job to fix them. It's not your job to make the choice for them. They have their own separate karmic journey.

They are immature maybe because they can be immature in their comfort zone with their parents or their friends enabling them. And now you, they choose someone who loves them and enables them. To not grow stronger. To not grow up in their emotional intelligence. And even. Even if you do confront them.

And you say, Hey, you need to grow up. I'm not dealing with this narcissistic bullshit anymore. And you're giving them advice and you're, they seem like they want to grow. But you may be helping them, but you may not be, maybe they're just using your information. You're giving them. To twist around, to use in their own life for their own good to use against you.

These are the tricky things about how much do you give a narcissist? Well, If they are not. Interacting with you and reciprocity. True reciprocity, not fake reciprocity to get information. Then they are somebody who you need to cut cords with.

There is. Sometimes and our karmic journey people, we need to cut contracts with, to cut cords with. To separate from. Because that's what you were meant to do here in this life, right? Is to free yourself from this perpetual. Imprisonment with this person. Some people I know I've talked to felt like they're not narcissist in their life has multiple lifetimes.

Killed them, torture them, all these things. What's possible. It's also possible that this person happened upon your life because they needed to wake you up and teach you a certain lesson in this life.

I'll just share my own personal story. I was just in a reading with us. Beautiful Jacqueline. You can reach out and to her in the link in the show notes. She read my Akashic records and it was the best record reading I've ever had. I've had a couple. And it was so resonant and she shared with me that I am here as a healer.

I have been a Lemurian, which I'm going to be doing more research on possibly sheriff. He reached out and say, Hey, what is Lamire? And I want to learn more. So I've been as healer in union with the earth for 52 lifetimes. And in this lifetime, I am here to heal my husband's. Bloodline lineage from constant.

Gore and murder and persecution. And I have two daughters. So I knew in my journey when I woke up from the narcissist and I became pregnant with the daughter, it was my journey to heal myself, to break the cycle. Which then. It's exactly what the Ash. Akasha said was your journey is to heal yourself in order to overflow and heal your daughters and the bloodline.

And it gave me goosebumps all over when I heard it in a, in a resonated in my heart. And I said, yeah, that's it. It's aligned with what my ego and my almost like my soul. Mind new by never having such a vicious, sadistic. Human control my daughters and we teach them quite well to have discernment.

And to control their own body, their own autonomy, their own choices. And we'll still be working on that as they get older.

But it was such a beautiful example of that. My first ex narcissist. I'm grateful for that situation. Number one, we had fun, but number two, when it didn't, when it wasn't fun anymore, and it was the abuse. I appreciate that he was there for a short time in my life to wake me up. To break the cycle to say never again, because if I had married.

As my parents expected me to, into a Christian home with a wonderful loving Christian partner. I would have never woken up. I would have never fulfilled my karmic contract in this life. As a healer, which I am soul through and through a healer. And to heal my soulmates, who I truly believe is, and the Kaushik confirmed it.

To heal my soulmates bloodline. And it got me like thinking shower thought. If. In this life, I'm healing. His. You know, lineage bloodline here on earth. But also I've had different, uh, past life regressions where I have seen him, my soulmate. In a different bloodline in a different body. And we were in different bodies and we were in different lifetimes.

Together as different partners. And it just made me go, oh my God, like, time is not linear. There is like, Time and space continuum does not exist. Like holy crap. I mean, I'm healing his bloodline here yet. He's had multiple lives and other bloodlines like, whoa, like, whoa. Right. Just. I don't know, mind blowing, but at the same time, I feel it all makes sense.

So long story short, this is why. Narcissist come into our lives is to wake us up and to teach us a certain karmic lesson or to get us on the right path for our karmic contracts. But the important lesson is to break the cycle, right? No more. No more putting up with a narcissist. No more. No more fixing them.

No more need for. For them to be happy for me to be happy. That's their journey they want to, or not, that's up to them. That's not my business anymore. Right. And even if you're living with them, that's not your business. What is there? That is their journey to do. The immature perspective thinks, well, I have to help them as that empath. Right.

That's in their ego. They need me in order to grow. But once you find that they use your energy. And advance. Like for advancing themselves to further themselves. And to not grow, they're just using your energy as like a electrical light outlet. They're not growing. They're just using your energy. You're done.

You're done helping them. And you should be. Because a narcissist cannot transform. Or wake up or change while they are comfortable. And another really great. Uh, example of this. Is. , one of our other guests, Martin O'Toole his episode is airing the first Sunday in may. So definitely subscribe to this podcast and tune in. He does not go about saying he is a conscious narcissist. Like some of these men have platforms on. He is a Yogi. He is a mental health advocate. He is not using the platform of, I am a conscious narcissist. No, he has completely died. Is his ego.

That he is a narcissist. Well, he was actually right. He was a narcissist. He has had near-death experiences almost near suicide and has woken up and transformed into a mental health advocate, into someone who is completely different. And I can't wait for you to hear his story because yes, there is hope that the narcissist of the world can transform and who they're supposed to be.

But that didn't take an empath helping him. That journey was, I nearly put a gun to my head and pull the trigger, but my dog somehow stopped me. Right. Like. That's usually what it takes for when we're at the lowest of lows and it's not the empath helping us and sending us all this information and loving us and enabling them. Like that's not how, what woke them up.

You wake up when you're uncomfortable. So you impact. Your love. You're doing everything for them. Like I said, chores, self help. You know, going to therapy, you know, all letting them manipulate you, believing their lies, allowing them to continue to mistreat you. Just like a spoiled rotten childhood.

But in a grown-ass body. So now we say no more, cause it's not helping you and it's not helping them. Nothing grows. In your comfort zone. Sheree, we just aired her episode. How to embrace your impasse superpowers last Sunday. That's one of her quotes from on her Instagram feed. Nothing grows in your comfort zone for you. You have to get out of your comfort zone from this.

A comfortable toxic cycle to grow into your beautiful light and soul that you truly are. And when, and only when you realize and mature up in your own self healing journey, that you are not responsible for their journey. And if they crash and burn that that's their struggle and they need to grow from it.

That's when. The light bulb switches. That's when the magic happens, you cannot rescue them. And they're attracted to you because I think your ego feels like. You are needed if they don't need you and you can't rescue them, then you're nothing. That's how I felt. But that's not true. That's your C ego stuck in that toxic cycle.

And if you try and rescue them, It will backfire on you. And they won't learn from their mistake and you will suffer the consequences. You will either learn finally from that mistake or you'll continue in that perpetual cycle. So you must shift from rescuing the narcissist. This is what they want. They want an enabler, they want a rescuer, they want your light and they just want to suck it like a vampire, your light and your power are within you.

But you must invest in your self care. To heal your wounds in order for your empath light to shine out, to overflow from your cup and to heal others that are ready for healing.

Newsflash self-care self-love is not selfish. On the contrary to how we were raised. I recently discussed with another empath about how we are kind of like magnets. We gather energies in the collective evil without leaving our home. But when we do, we gather it all and it is imperative to do whatever grounding exercises.

That you enjoy. That work for you. To cleanse your energy. And I'm going to share with you a few ways that I love to cleanse my energy. And other and past due as well. But first, I'm gonna share a quick story. About the other day, my daughters and I went to a birthday party. It was very loud. It was fun. Bouncy gym.

But it was also sensory overload. My youngest she's six, so she's way too old to do this, but she was so exhausted from the noise. She crawled into my lap and she wanted to be held like a baby. And of course, so I did, I did not deny her that, that soothing. And as in paths, It's overwhelming. I mean, even us adults are sitting there going, oh my gosh, this place is so loud. When is this party over? But we all want to be held like a baby at some point.

So we got home and I grabbed the Sage and I immediately asked them, do you wish for me to cleanse your aura with this? And they will love Sage. So they both. Enthusiastically say yes. Um, and so I just lit the Sage and I just kind of twirled it. So it would continue to burn around their aura. And I pulled my hand and I pulled all of the negative energy and the anxiety, which my oldest.

Express to me, she felt anxiety. She felt overwhelming. I love how she can express this in words, because it's so important to call it out, to take the power away. And I'm pulling and pulling, and that was it. And then my, my youngest was like, can you keep burning it and go through the house? It smells so good.

So I did. And then we were able to carry on with the rest of our afternoon, without any meltdowns, without like feeling like we had to vege forever. And it was really, truly a beautiful moment of using that tool. Now, the other thing that I love to use is a dry brush. When you come in, you can get your dry brush, go upstairs. Maybe you like to also change clothes because the clothes are dirty. They're smelly, they're have energy on them.

And use the dry brush to brush off all the energy off of your aura on your skin. You can also go lay in the grass. We're walking the grass barefoot. Just feel the little energetic cords, connecting your body into the earth.

And it feel mother nature growing its beautiful tendrils of healing around you. Removing all of the negative energy and composting it down into the earth. Another guy is powerful enough to compost your negative. Anxiety and all of the world's negative energies and emotions. The next one is go relax near a body of water.

Sit and gaze and listen, and just. Soak up the grounding energy of that. Huge body of water, whether it be a lake or an ocean or a stream.

Run your hands through it. Maybe just sit next to it. Close your eyes and listen. Stare at the birds and the reflections and it will remove. All of those soaked up negative energies from you.

Another one is Epson salts.

Run a bath. And fill it up with. A whole bunch of Epsom salts. You'd be surprised. It requires a bit more than just a handful. To remove the negative energies. It requires like a whole bag full. And that's really powerful. Um, if you can afford buying a whole bag full and you love it, then absolutely do that.

And the last one. Is essential oils. Find an essential oil that calls to you that you really love. That your subconscious needs. And smell it. You can diffuse it, or you can put a few dabs on your wrists. So that you can smell it and soak up the goodness. I love to also rub it in between my palms. And then hover my hands over my aura.

And over my face to smell it, take a deep breath in, and then you rub. That essential oil over your aura. All around, like just a few inches around your head and your, your body.

And I'm sharing more of these itself. Love slides every Saturday. So on the Instagram. So tune into that at Raven Scott show to grab those. And if you're a giver. Find another giver to love. This is important. Don't fall for the takers.

And use your discernment. And you cannot. Change a pattern let's say within yourself, you grew up, let's say, okay. I grew up with. An unavailable mother or a detached father or an abusive yelling father, whatever it is, or mother. In order for you to change that pattern in your life. You must get comfortable with receiving.

It's not unhealthy to receive compliments. It's actually the opposite. It's very healthy. It's very healthy to receive love and acts of service from another partner. It's not smothering. I mean, a controlling partner who criticizes you that smothering. Not somebody who goes and buys your favorite foods or like my husband, I love this cream honey. Every time he goes, he sees that I'm out of the cream honey. He goes to the little market. It's like a little farm and he buys at least three jars of it to make sure that I'm stocked because he knows that I love the honey.

And he makes sure that he provides that for me. That's not smothering. That's love. Right. So make sure. That you wake up from your shock. Of them giving you these things, right? Love compliments, actor service, because it is shocking when you're not used to it. And you say, thank you. Just like you wished to receive from the universe, let's say abundance or love.

You pulled your hands out and you say, thank you.

So I'm going to close with. How each human design type. Can shine their light out, beautifully out into the world as an empath. According to your strategy.

So for the generator. You are a powerful and love filled being, do what you love for the pure joy of it for yourself. And then respond to others who acknowledge it and find it interesting.

Just you being, you. Is your impath light.

Manifesting generators. You are a powerful and fast being your healing journey is a few stairs up. Falling back down into the trampoline. Bouncing up. Back down to the last step below. And then stepping up again. And falling down. Back down. It's like two steps forward. One step back. And so on. The more you inform the more harmony in your healing journey you will experience.

For the projector. You are a wise being who has always wished to fit in as the generators do things. Reconditioning. Is your healing journey. That requires patience. Grace and can feel soul crushing at times. Well also being fully expansive. The more you give yourself permission to rest. And wait for invitations.

The less anger you will feel. And you will reclaim your own inherent truth.

The manifester. You are a powerful being that is not easy to read. Your healing journey may be full of misunderstanding and fear. But the more you inform, share as much details and info as you can. The more you talk. The more you give a peek into your aura. Allowing for healthy connections. In your healing process.

Reflector. You are a moon being. You have compared yourself and your output. To others, endlessly.

But it never ends well. The more you are out in nature and your healing journey. And just in life in general. The more at peace and authentic, you will feel.

You will finally feel a sense of belonging. That goes core to your soul.

Tune in this Sunday to bill and Kristin miles. They are a divorce coaches who help mothers and the founders of best self magazine. They're going to be on this. The podcast sharing five ways to support your children through divorce with the narcissist, it was a beautiful conversation and so informative.

I can't wait to share it with you.

So tune in this Sunday for that episode.

Thank you for submitting your reviews and continue to rate and review this podcast. From live March. I wish I wanted to read this review to you. It really was touching. Really important show. If you've been involved with a narcissist, you know, how isolating it can be. And I'm so glad this podcast exists, I'll be sending it to many people. I know Raven is a fantastic host and she's so warm and empathic.

I love the meditation aspects and all the healing tools. Thank you so very much live march March.


And remember, always key. You're you unique, light shining.

Losing time, I'll fade in fast. I just wanna make it last. Try to let go of the past. I close my eyes. Embrace the blast. Sleepless nights and headache stuff, restlessness to hell and back. What's my purpose? But do I grab a slippery resu surface, a heart attack? Sometimes you just gotta something that'll give you relief.

What we're broken. It's tragic. We're not all elastic, but maybe there's magic. Believe you could.

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About the Podcast

Empath And the Narcissist: Spiritual Healing with Human Design from Narcissistic Abuse & PTSD
Helping Empaths Heal from Narcissistic Abuse with Human Design
Do you feel trapped in a cycle of abuse, constantly wondering if it's your fault?
In this podcast I shed light on powerful tools for healing and spread awareness and education about Narcissistic Abuse.
This show aims to empower you to shift from being on the emotional rollercoaster of lost and confused in the fog of the Narcissist, to thriving and knowing your authentic self.

You will get messages to your soul three times a week, (T,TH,Sat.) in recovery & healing from Narcissist abuse and childhood trauma through Human Design, self care, mindfulness advice, and expert interviews.

If you are ready to shift from survivor to thriver then hit follow and listen to regain your sparkle back after narcissistic abuse.

And listen to S5 Ep. 10: Are Narcissists Master Manipulators or Idiots? to start

"When it comes to the story of your life, let no one else hold the pen." - Raven Scott

Your host: Raven is a Narcissist abuse survivor, Author, Certified Meditation Teacher and Human Design Reader. More than 10 years later I now am a happily married mom of two, and passionate about preventing people from entering into toxic relationships and helping victims leave and overcome the pain from narcissist abuse.

Healing from PTSD, emotional abuse, havoc on your self worth from the Narcissist requires months to years of self care, EFT tapping, inner child meditation, self care, self discovery, journaling, and support in therapy from professionals and coaches. All tools which you can practice with Raven in her book Empath & The Narcissist.

Topics covered:
Tuesday: Narc Abuse Healing with Human Design Info
Thursday: Guest Featured Healing Tools
Saturday: Wednesday's Live Replay YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7aia23E-LDXhZobUmzTcgg
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Raven Scott

Raven Scott is a survivor of an abusive relationship with a narcissist. From people pleaser to kick ass author, podcaster, & mentor, she is a certified meditation teacher and Destiny Coach. She teaches you how to shed people-pleasing patterns one step at a time to find your power & potential through healing so you can kick ass in THIS life. Her focus is to help you tune into your soul’s healing, learning & purpose with intuition, meditations, North Node Medicine & Human Design. Join her in soul-filled podcast community on Facebook. Women Empaths Self Development to Unlock Your Destiny