Episode 103

Get Wise to the Tricks of the Covert Narcissist - They Can Break You Jude Hotep Astrologer

Published on: 30th October, 2022
"He collects women and, has everyone in his life brainwashed and manipulated; friends, therapists, accountants, and family. There's not one person in his life that isn't manipulated to be there. "

The covert narcissist can show up as a spiritual influencer, or cult leader. And Jude's personal experience presents evidence of the dark side of a "light worker" who manipulated her, took business ideas, surpassed her success, and used psychic abilities to tap into her energy, and broke down her health.

Today I share a conversation with Jude Hotep

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Jude Hotep is The Goddess Astrologer. Jude is a Female Shaman, Astrologer, and Soul Coach. She does individual Astrology Readings and Shamanic Astrological coaching in her program, Alchemical Goddess with women around the globe. In, Alchemical Goddess you jailbreak your soul from the programs of the 3D, money scarcity, and fear of being seen and heard, unlocking your Divine Feminine genius. You know you were meant for big things. Now is the time. Book a complimentary Goddess Call here: http://thegoddessastrologer.com

Here are some key moments:

  • Real Brainwashing takes place with covert narcissist
  • Conscious Narcissists v unconscious toxic person
  • Karmic cycle of people in our lives
  • Stop blaming yourself
  • Step into your inner authority
"You have your own autonomy in relationships. It's unity through diversity to be your own self, to be your unique self, to have your own authority and intuition"
  • She takes us through the descriptions of each zodiac through the houses

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Grab human design chart and Claim limited time offer on How to Leave the Narcissist Workshop on the website Ravenscott.show/shop

Madhvi - Emotion Code FREE Inquiry Call

Music YouTube Library: Believe by Neffex


And it's more , at a choice level, that's not a conscious level. It's sort of like they're making conscious choices to do shitty things all the time. But at a soul level, they're making these choices too. So, you know, this gets deep. It gets really deep.


. I am your host, Raven Scott,

this is episode

1 0 3, get wise to the tricks and traps of the covert narcissist. They can break you with Judah hotep


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This episode is sponsored by better help. I numbed myself to stop the pain and I reached out to friends for. But it wasn't until I gained courage to leave and seek therapy that my dark abyss of hopelessness finally started to let in the light I was so longing for.

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Hello empaths Today's a special episode with a friend of mine, Jude Hotep. She is the goddess astrologer. Judah is a female Sharman, astrologer and soul coach. She does individual astrology readings and shamonic astrological coaching in her program.

And she is the alchemical goddess with women , all around . The globe.

In our chemical goddess, you jail break your soul from the programs of the 3d money, scarcity and fear of being seen and heard. Unlocking your divine feminine genius. You know, you are meant for big things now is the time. This is absolutely you that she's speaking to. And I'm speaking to you as empathic as light beings.

You are here for big things, and this is why the narcissist is attracted to your light. Because they lack it and they want to suck that light from you kind of, sort of like dementors from Harry Potter. And, uh, we get really in depth in this conversation, she had a very personal experience. Very recent of coming out of.

A very, very energy. Vampire soul sucking like. High-level mind manipulation. With a certain, somebody who is a coach and runs in these spiritual circles. So this is why I thought it was very important to have her on and talk that there are tricks and there are scams and there are cults. And especially nowadays with all this extremist ideology.

In all the realms. When religion and spirituality. You know, like the whole toxic positivity. And the coaching realm, like none of this is regulated. So those who can cloak themselves, uh, in the sheep's wool. , can have a field day with all of us who may be a bit more open and vulnerable and gullible.

So the trick is to remain open while not being gullible. So hopefully this sheds some light on that for you with Jude. And you can book a complimentary goddess call with jude@thegoddessastrologer.com.

And without further ado, let's get into the conversation.





, but he came into my life in:

One thing about my soul is my soul chose to have a bunch of them in my life. So my mother, three sisters on my dad's side. Everybody in my mother's family, my God, her, all of her relatives, her mother, dad, all of them. So, I mean, my gosh. And it was light. And then I had another, , couple of men before this guy.

But some, some of them weren't conscious, you know, they weren't really conscious narcissists. They were just narcissists. , some of 'em were, were really the level, but not necessarily cunning and strategizing. So there's all just, there's just such a spectrum of. But this guy, he, he is a, I mean, could I could write some books?

, you know, it could, it could be some movies here, because it's so crazy. He's, he collects women and, , has everyone in his life brainwashed and manipulated friends, therapists, accountants, , family. There's not one person in his life that isn't manipulated to be there. But some of. Are just as bad as him.

And so they're manipulated and brainwashed an extent to be in his kind of tribe, I guess, so to speak. But yet, , are, , doing. Horrible things like he is just the same, and it's almost like a cult type type vibe in some ways. It's really, , similar to a cult where he kind of gets them thinking like him and doing like Kim.

And it's almost, , like that prison experiment where the, they went in and, and simulated a prison, , with. College students and had guards and prisoners and had a guard acting really horrible and abusive to the prisoners. And then the other guards joined in. Cause it's like this effect that you go with the group, It's kind of like this tribe mentality.

So it's kind of like that where he has people that are just as bad as him. He brain washes them and indoctrinates them, and then they kind of get disseminated out to do the same thing he is. , so my case is, is. Fascinating and unique and horrifying.


And that's why we're getting like these more awakened, aware, narcissist speaking out and having platforms to share like what they did and what their experience is and how they heal. So yeah, there's, and then there are actual, like a small percentage of actual villainist malignant narcissists.


Conclusion yourself and, and that everything fits into the 12 archetypes, the 12 houses. And when a soul comes in and takes a body, cuz most people, you know, kind of say, Well, I have a soul. I have a soul. And it's like, no, we don't have a soul. We are soul and we have a body. So we come in soul connate, I call it, and we take a body and we take a personality and there would be nothing animating us.

If there wasn't soul, we wouldn't be able to be in a physical situation here. And, and that's the, the Pisces Virgo access for those, it's the Pisces, the Invisible, , spiritual and the Virgo tangible reality. , , and so the first house is identity ego self, me and the Aries. The first sign in the Zodiac is the healthy ego.

It's the, , being assertive, being independent, autonomous, and it's, , you know, being very passionate , , and so it's like we really need a healthy ego. And so it's this weird thing where we do have narcissism and then we have. People with healthy egos and people are rising up all across the planet and when they weren't, so they're confused.

Other people are confused about them rising up and then bucking against that because they were people pleasing for so long. It's like, you know, I can't get everything over on you anymore. You must be a narcissist. And it's like, No, I have a really healthy ego. I love myself. I own it. I claim. But there's a difference.

You, if you have empathy, if you can see somebody else's worldview, if you want to have community and comradery, , if you ha feel love, narcissists do not feel love. They do not feel emotions like other humans. And you are talking about some healing. I, I'll be honest, I do not believe they heal. I do not believe that they heal.

There w used to be a statistic that 2% ever heal, but I'll be honest, I've never seen it. I've seen one case, but he had a traumatic brain injury. He had to like literally be knocked over the head to heal. So I honestly do not,, believe that they do heal. I think that they are very, after all my research and in depth work on it.

I think they're very, , , it's, it's some sort of so thing where they just as a soul are malignant and go that path and then in this lifetime they just keep making decisions, keep making decisions that are on that same trajectory. , my guides of let we know that this person is just, he's never gonna stop being a master manipulator, you know, Lifetime after.


But there are some. That that don't or that aren't, or they're stuck.


We'll be back in just Moment No matter what age you are. You can have emotional freedom when you leave the narcissist. Though the road may be bumpy. You can liberate yourself from the narcissist negative emotion cycle and create a positive life with this hidden truth. They are not telling you learn the secret that thousands of others have that enables them to live in safety, have a place they belong and know that they matter.

This secret is learning the steps on how to leave the narcissist and stay out. You will gain the bliss of indifference and you won't care about the narcissist any more.

I decoded the solutions to be free. I reveal the hidden gems that empowered me to transform from the meek timid people, pleaser to a strong. Powerful woman living a genuinely happy life.

Free from the narcissist emotional undertow. I teach you how to do this as well in your own unique way in the workshop I created. I finally discovered this untapped secret.

It's about damn time for you to love life, have fun and be free to drop a towel on the floor every so often and leave it there. Victory looked like lighthearted freedom to me. No one controlling me any more. Here's why no one tells you this secret. You can get out and stay out with this work. Because it is personal journey and the formula is unique to you.

This workshop that I've created guides you to find your own pathway out. It shows you that your power is within you just need to rewrite the story of your life in your brain. And his workshop helps you do just It works because when it comes to the story of your life, Let no one else. Hold the pen. I'm just a guide for you on your path.

This workshop features how to overcome hoovering techniques. And it will allow you to gain the resolve, to stop caring about what they say. In this workshop, you'll learn how to overcome emotional manipulation. Stop paying attention to their new relationships that they start and flaunt all over social media.

You will learn how to gain freedom financially. So you can pursue the goals that you couldn't before, because they said it was stupid. You're going to learn how to find safe housing. So you and your child can live in safety and peace again. And you'll learn how to overcome the narcissist threads, because if the narcissist is taking up your mind, you have not found ultimate freedom yet.

Learn how to overcome retaliation. So you can stop taking the bait and gain victory from their blackmailing practice, with emotional healing exercises. So you can gain clarity and communication. For your needs finally, and you will receive a daily mantra so you can stop falling for their falsely intimate, empty words and gifts to try. And hoover you back in?

This workshop also includes a downloadable workbook. Because journaling and having a curriculum is key for you not to become complacent about your freedom. It also includes a one hour and 13 minute long audio lesson.

So you will have the power to stop enabling their bad behavior and block receiving their abuse. It also includes a seven practical steps for getting out and staying out. This will enable you to stop justifying their behaviors and excusing their abuse journal exercises. So you can master keeping your emotions detached.


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That I feel really helps with more of this evolutionary understanding of, of life. , you know, these are questions I've been asking for my whole lifetime and I'm in conversations with my guides about, and I find answers and then, you know, they escape into the ethers and I find new answers and it's like, okay.

But it seems like one of the things about life is that we're here to master life and then we go on to be what our guides. To others, to other beings that master life. However, our soul has a mission of its own. We talk about soul mission in the spiritual community a lot, but that's like from the, from the earthly self, from our personality self.

But our soul has a different mission or , goal that this lifetime is only one puzzle piece. and, and so that's really fascinating and can really help expand our consciousness and our conception of, of things and how infinite we truly are. , the James Web Telescope, you know, has been taking pictures of other universes.

We live in a multiverse, you know, we're, it's really coming to the surface. Finally, things are changing so fast and we're really being able to see the evidence as well.


, that they can't heal. We're talking about the very small percentage of those malignant narcissists that, , they're just locked in and they love that identity and that's who they are. And, , you may actually be experiencing that person in your life, you know, no matter how much therapy you do, no matter how much therapy they do.

Even if they do it, they're only doing it for their own means to kind of manipulate you. not, they're not gonna heal. Yeah. there's that too.


But it was because she has this identity of good mother. And so because doing nice things for me or being so-called loving or that appearance of lovingness, , was part of that good mother identity, she would do those things. So it would really confuse me when all these other things didn't add up and she was just a horrible.

Horrible person most of the time, and really in underhanded ways and subliminal ways is, is the way they really function a lot. They groom you and I've really found that unconscious narcissist groom as well, but it's. Just so natural to them. It's just a practiced behavior, and manipulation is just who they are.

, it's just a part of their nature, part of their characteristics and traits. So they don't really know any other way. Not as in, oh, poor them, but as in that's their op, their operating system.



, but , he's a psychic. And, , one of the things about when your gifts turn on as a psychic and medium, cuz I'm a psychic medium, I'm and intuitive and a past life channel. And when our gifts turn on, You might get to a phase where you can manipulate other people's energy. And the thing is, is it's the same thing.

It's like you learn that that's a no-no, you're, you don't do that. It it, like my guides wouldn't say it's unethical, but it's something that you just don't do. It's kind of like when someone's back door is open to their house, you don't just walk up in there. Just because you can, or if they invited you in, like often we invite a narcissist in, so we invite them into our energy field because they can't really manipulate energy unless they're kind of, they get into your energy field.

But people learning, people have poorest energy boundaries. They don't know how to work with it yet, et cetera. All these different phases. , You know, on the spiritual journey that's very non-linear. It's not like it's linear and, and so we invite them into the house because we think that they're an encyclopedia salesman or something.

Or that they're a nice person. Yeah, coming in for a cup of tea. But then they start messing with stuff in our house and doing things like manipulating, and then we're like, What are you doing? And so it's kind of like that. It's a really great analogy to understand. What, you know, what that, what's going on there?

Something else that I think is so important to, to help people understand is blame. There was so many of these things on my journey where I was seeking help because I was, I was in these situations where my. Things don't add up. Things don't make sense. And what is this? And I need help and I'm not doing good.

And he, you know, he's always doing these horrible, abusive things, but yet supposedly he loves me and, and all of these things. And, and it wasn't just, oh, supposedly he loves me like a typical thing. He brainwashed me. He groomed me for about a year. He brainwashed me. , and I've studied a lot about brainwashing at this point now, and it was very much like the CIA would take somebody and brainwash them.

There's five steps to do it. There's very, , strategic specific steps that you, that one takes to brainwash somebody. and, , and he, and some of those things like being isolated, not having family or people or getting them to turn against you, to turn against them or vice versa. Those things were already in place because I'd already separated from people in my life that were abusers and I had just gotten out of abusive, a low level abusive situation.

I thought I was finally like, Yes, I'm clearing out my life. I'm doing good. My friend, a friend had moved away. People had just kind of moved away. I'd moved, you know, I was living a place. People in person. And so I was kind of isolated in a way. I also had malnutrition. I had just found out, so I was like in a really unhealthy state physically, and when he started manipulating my energy, he stopped my body from being able to soak up nutrients.

So I had started working with the health coach once I found out and started doing bone broth and eating meat and getting a hundred dollars a month vitamins and all these things to get my. Stores my deep nutrient stores filled back up again. Cause malnutrition depletes your, your backup stores. And, , Of nutrients , and nothing was working.

And incrementally a little bit here and there, but not really. I almost lost my teeth. I almost lost my hair. My skin was like, I looked like I aged 10 years. I'm, I'm still in the works of, you know, healing that, those things. But, , doing massive work on it, and it's really coming light, light years now that he, you know, is not in my energy field.

But nothing was working. And I'm like, Why isn't working? How can you do this much stuff and it not work? And you know, I lost body fat. I was like drawn and thin looking and just, , and, you know, and, and so it, it was. It was, he already had me in some of the steps that one does to brainwash. So that part of it is like really, you know, probably not your typical narcissistic situation.

, but there, there are, you know, it's crazy, but there are worse people out there. It's been a lot to just be like, what the hell happened to me to go through the healing process and all of that. But, but there's worse people out there like,


probably you and maybe a handful of other people have experienced.

And that's, you know, I'm so sorry that that happened because you're right. Like you open up the store, you're vulnerable, you think you're healthy. You think this person who is this quote unquote light healer is healthy and they're gonna help you and lift you up. You let them in, you're an energetic house, and boom, like they're just stealing everything left and right.


Because he is psychic. He just stole all my ideas out of his, outta my head. Used them in his business to make his business better and made money off me while he was blocking me from making money. , I probably could have, I probably should have made about a hundred k , plus in the time that. , he was in my life and, , yeah, did not make that, and it wasn't, it wasn't, but minutes after I got him completely out that things started flowing, which is normal for me.

I'm a tourist and four planets. If I don't know how to make money, no one does , like





But he's, he's gonna hang himself. He's gonna hang himself. But one of the things is he has a Napoleon complex. What's so crazy is he, Kind of tried to gaslight me that I had such low self worth or that I wasn't working enough, when really he was blocking all of the outcomes of all the work I did do. So it was skewing my opinion of what, of how effective I was and definitely affecting self worth and confidence and, and he was gaslighting me when he's the one that doesn't have self worth.

That's the problem with narcissist. They don't have self worth. They also, I think it's so important that people know they cannot love. , they don't feel emotions and love the way that other people do. Even people that are kind of low on the map of consciousness. If you google the map of consciousness, it's , Dr.

David Hawkins work. So if you Google that, people can see that map of consciousness and there's people below the level of integrity 200, and it goes on up right to divine love and there's like neutrality. And, and intellect and then love. And then there's, , like unconditional love. And then it goes up to enlightenment to like where the great, you know, avatars were, Jesus and Buddha and so forth.

And even people that are low on the consciousness spectrum are not necessarily narcissists. And so that's the funky thing, that a narcissist can be anywhere on that consciousness spectrum. And this person, like for example, he's very awake cuz third eye's blown open. He's absolutely conscious. He knows exactly what he's doing.

He's cunning, his strategic, he's manipulative, he's very, you know, he has a system. , and there's other narcissists that aren't conscious. They're just, they're in different levels of that map of consciousness, which is, you know, a great way to maybe understand it. But even so that they're at a lower level consciousness, stop feeling sorry for them.

Stop having them in your life. I really encourage people. , I never tell anybody what to do as a coach, but I really ask questions about, Do you understand how subliminally they are? Dimming your light, dimming your self worth, dimming your confidence, dimming your belief in yourself. And they've probably been doing it for so long in all these little microwaves that you can't see it and don't know it.

And so by having them in your life, you're already at this much lower place. Of greatness, of vibration, of, , your visibility, of your belief in self worth that you, you're not even seeing how it's constantly a continuation of it. And so I really encourage people to do that self-inquiry work. If you have.

A narcissist in your life because it's like, people are like, Well, it's my mother, it's my sister, it's my partner, it's my whatever. And it's like, I don't care. Like my, like my mom in that side of my family, they're gone. I, they are gone. I will never, ever have anything to do with them again. My, I found out my mother was in my energy field manipulating my energy.

Again. She had, she, I doubt she was conscious of it, like sort of in some ways, but not to the level of how it was actually affecting me.


And then another one that I found out was I created one not knowing we will, none of us. To my dad at 18. So it's really interesting how like usually those chords too with those people. Then things just go south and then it's like, why is it so detrimental? Why is it so devastating? Cause you have an energy cord connected consciously or most often subconsciously


That is something going on and we like talk about, we cut cords or we pull them out or whatever, but the truth is there's not actually anything there. They're not metaphysical, they don't exist. It's just a metaphor. But I think this is important that I bring this up is because there's a lot of people in the spiritual community that are bamboozled and think that a purple cord to your friend is good, and a pink cord to love is good.

And a golden chord is a, is a magical divine love. And you know, and, and it's, it's only the red cords that are bad. And so I want people to understand. Cords are a metaphors a way that we use. It's, it's just like the millions of metaphors that we have to understand life, that we speak in, that we're just humans.

We must do that. That's what you know, we story. But understand that there's no cord that is ever healthy. If you have a cord people out there, you have manipulation going on. You know, understand that you need to clear that person outta your energy field and put up energetic boundaries



And it was really, Messed up. It really messed with me hard because here's the thing about blame is that there are people that kind of get stuck in the sad story or the trauma or the pain loss challenge of their life, and it's a phase. We don't wanna get stuck there, but a lot of times it's because they have some helplessness of some sort, some victimhood of some sort.

Often because of an abuser being there and not knowing that there's abusers there around them. They're thinking are just family members or whatever, and they're trying to do everything and nothing works, and it's just like this futility. So there's a lot of different factors and variables. So what I wanna say to people is blame.

There's two sides to the blame coin. One is like it shows you where you're disempowered and that there's some action that needs to be taken. But the other side is if you're feeling crazy, you might have crazy people in your. Start to look at your life, Start to wake up. Like, you know, if you have, you know, narcissists that you're not awake to, you know, and you're blaming, blaming, blaming, look at that's an indicator like something's happening.

Look for the abusers in your life and realize that it, it can be at such a subconscious, subliminal level that it's not this overt beating you. It's not just a screaming at you type of abuse. It's really subtle. Abuse of constantly like doing, like being pissy. Like I had this friend in my life, I got her out as well that I realized we were in a relationship for four years and she was an emotional manipulator.

Not a narcissist, but an emotional manipulator. Had been doing it since childhood and. You know, just would, there was all these weird things constantly through our relationship and I'm just such a caring person and you know, the empathy until you get the discernment to couple the empathy and really get a grasp on that.

You know, I was just thinking, believing her. I took her at face value and believed her. You know, she'd be like, I'm trying to improve my life and she, I don't know if she acted like things that I was, or if she really did wanna be those things and just kind of. You know, was a nice fit, but she would be just pissy.

So whenever I was in a good mood, I was happy, my energy was high and I was up, she would just come along and be pissy or be in a bad mood, and it was like I had to. Like come to like, just deal with that. And it was just a way for her to tamp my light, to shut my great experiences of life down. My happiness, my joy, my energy.

So there's these people, they're just light tamers, they're just enthusiasm tms and they just, , want you to get cut up into drama when you are finally being successful. If they don't want your success, they can't be happy for your success, they feel like it diminishes them.





She wasn't a good actor. Once I woke up to it, I'm like, Wow, that acting is actually really bad. Until I woke up to it, it was pretty good acting cuz she snowed me for like four years in my relationship. I always saw all the weird stuff, but I kept trying to talk to her or like, let's talk out our relationship.

Like, you know, like, I, I need this in a relationship. Can you do that? And she would always act like she was doing it or act like she was hurt or it, it, it's, it's just, it was, once I woke up to it, See all of it. I was like, oh my gosh. Wow. You know, this whole time, uh, you know, I'd just been feeding her supply, feeding her supply, and she was draining my life for, and it's funny because her south node is on my Pluto.

, and that is when you look in your chart, you can see what you're, what your. You know, karma is with people. What you're the reason why you're pulled together and south. No Pluto, not good


a dragon past lives.



Not me.




And more than likely are either emotional energy vampires, narcissists, super self-absorbed, or just, you know, toxic could be


And it's more , at a choice level, that's not a conscious level. It's sort of like they're making conscious choices to do shitty things all the time. But at a soul level, they're making these choices too. So, you know, this gets deep. It gets really deep. ,


Do it for you, . Do it to protect your.


And, , and had to go through a lot of learning, , so that my soul could wake up from it and I could wake up from it and really understand it. And I just had to go through that in my life. , and so it's, it's our, our intuition is often told it's wrong. My mom would shut me down for my intuition when I was a kid.

I would say, This is happening. This is happening. She goes, Oh, no, no, that's fine. No, it's not fine. I was very much, completely correct and that's it. And it's horrible to think too that a mother would shut down a little girl's intuition, especially when it comes to like abusers and you know


And as a little kid, you, you're more connected to your intuition as a little child.




So that's another dimension for women that are dealing with narcissists. And so, It's a, it's another just level that is kind of in our wiring from these 5,000 years of the suppression of the divine feminine. And so it, it's like we have to, as women, pull our authority back and understand to go in and listen inward to what you think is right, to what your.

Saying your yes and no is to only listening inward. No one, and people have great ideas. They can give you advice, you can consider things, but the answer should really come from within no matter what. When I do, when I'm in coaching with my clients, I always redirect back into their own soul. There's teaching, there's learning, there's guiding, but it's always about what is your soul say the answer.


I just had like an aha moment. Like there's this one aspect, I'm gonna stop saying that I'm gonna stop deferring that topic towards, you know, especially in relation with my kids. I don't want them doing that with their husband. So let's, let's correct that now. Let's move forward. I love it.



And authority is important, you know? And are you familiar with human design?



And know what is my authority? Cuz you, we all have a very natural authority. And of course just pausing and listening to your gut is number one if you don't know, but then you have a very specific way. So I love to kind of tap into that because as I've witnessed, you know, my children have a different authority than I do.

So I can't tell them to do it how I do it cuz it doesn't work for them. They'll regret it immediately if they do it how I do it. Yeah.





And, and it's the same with with astrology. Like I, that's what I love about astrology and healing. Through the Zodiac because there's all these different pieces, like the soul comes in and it's like First House Air is our identity. And then in Second House, Taurus, we have to have our own inner resources to create value in the world, but to feel valuable ourselves to be able to do that.

And that's how we create money. We create something of value. Somebody buys it and then gives us money, and then we have abundance. Or it could have been trading seashells back in the day as the form of value, but now it's money. And Taurus is about, you know, I'm hungry, so I'm going eat, I need, , shelter and clothing.

And so it's about the comforts of life and about having clothing and that quality and like what makes life worth a living. And then we go to Gemini, the third house of. , it's time to, , communicate and talk and share ideas and get all these ideas and think about things from multiple directions and to talk to other people.

And then we go to fourth House Cancer and it's like, I wanna be kind of protected and, and in my comfort zones and in the house and family and home and behind the walls. And it's my emotional inner seascape that is, , you know, un nonverbal and it's, you know, oh my gosh, it's the subconscious. And then we go to the fifth house, Leo, and it's like, I wanna matter this world.

I have contributions. I wanna feel important and special. And people to see that and have that symbi. And then we go to the six house Virgo. And it's very about our self mastery and our self-sufficiency and our really ability to, , to be autonomous and, and have mastery. And so then we do a work in the world, a sacred work, and we bring that to the people, we bring that to the world, and then it's the seventh house, Libra.

And we partner and we want relationships and we want other people. And then, and you know, it's. Justice and fairness and balance. And, and then we go into eighth house Scorpio, and it's about this deep sexual merging in relationships and it's about death, rebirth, transformation and crisis and conflict and the underbelly of the world and the mafia, the strip clubs, all of that.

And then, , and it's the metaphysical and the cul and that, that talking to your guides, all of that. And then we go to the ninth house, Sagittarius, and. Going to other countries and talking to people, , that are not like you from different, , languages, different cultures. And so we expand our worldview and, and get outta those narrow ways of thinking.

And it's the scholar and the traveler and the, the guide and the visionary. And then we go to the 10th house Capricorn, and it's like, Okay, I wanna leave a legacy, you know, I wanna climb the mountain. And get to the, the top. Get to spirit, get to source. Yet I wanna look back and pull humanity up with me and, and, and not just go on my own.

I wanna leave a legacy and, and include everyone else. It's society, it's Capricorn. And then we go to 11th House, Aquarius. And it's like for the people and humanity and bringing my gifts to the world. Friends and connection and, and, the third eye and that higher channeling in, And then we go to Pisces 12th house, which is the, the ethereal, fine, spiritual, soul, divine love, unconditional compassion, and love and imagination, visionary and boundless.

Gestalts of interconnectedness with all of Celestial earth, all of Ev all of it, right? The infinity, and then we're back to Aries and, and so it's like we need every piece, you know, to be a whole being of.


I am not just a Virgo. I am everything, all of those that you just described, we contain all of those.




the other,

thing is we have asteroids and stars. So we have something in something, you know, there's so much in the, in the sky. If you've ever gone to a place without light pollution, there's not a, a part of the sky that's, that's blank.

But we don't see that much because we're not typically in the mountains and, you know, and, um, Morocco. So






Jofrah images.


ch studio during the years of:


And yeah, it's just kind of like you just take some quiet time. Be with the Zodiac symbolism every day leading up to, you could do it leading up to Christmas, but, um, yeah, that's like my new tradition because I'm like

anti, you know, church, , Christmas. So


So yeah, it, it's so amazing to do that because all the glyphs for the planet to start to get to know the glyphs, um, so that when you're looking at your chart, it's not so foreign to you. I actually have. , an astrology portal on my website. go to my website and sign up, they can get a free astrology portal that has for all the glyphs and you can practice drawing them and, , really start to get to know what your 10 planets by house and, sign are.

, and, download that, you'll be able to do that so that way you. start to really get to you bring up this point about the sun is that our son is our heart. It's who we are and also it's what we're learning to be in this life. Our moon is really like what we know. So it's the who we are part of us that it, that is who we know and it's what we need and it's what we need to feel comfort, comfortable, and safe.

You know, if I have a Gemini moon, I need communication and connection. And so I know when I haven't been around people enough and I've been working too much and it's like, okay, I gotta go schedule some time with this friend and get on a Zoom call with this friend and get, you know, my time booked with my people so that I can.

Um, connection and, you know, if we could go around the zodiac to the 12 different signs the moon can.

be in, what people don't realize is we actually have a rising sign, 10 planets, including the moon and sun, nodes. The nodes are these calculated points of the moon, the south node like you were talking about earlier.

So like past lives, what were conditioned already into. What we want to grow out of. But we have gifts there too. And we wanna bring the gifts to our north node, our evolutionary potential, and where our soul wants to grow into and learn. And what feels amazing when we do it. But it's kind of hard and we don't know how to yet




into that, that kind of harness that talent.



also quite different. But Yeah, I mean, Jim NI's of the newspaper reporter. I'm getting the truth down. And what are the facts ma'am? And Sagittarius is interpretating the facts and pos, you know, hypothesizing and philosophizing and.



sunshine horoscopes on the

White Goddess Podcast every Monday, Um, it's a daily podcast, but I'm taking a break right now and working on some good stuff in the background for everyone. so the podcast, is out every Monday with the Sunshine horoscopes, and then I do a full Moon and New Moon. , I have video every month on my YouTube channel, the Light Gods YouTube channel, also I do a channeled card reading every Monday on the YouTube channel.

, and, , there's more goodness coming out soon there. And, , I usually up when the next moon's coming out So I'm not sure when this will air, , as we're recording it of course, but.





coming, Scorpio and Taurus eclipses, which is the nodal access that we're currently in. We're in that north node for the world of tourists. We wanna move outta that. Scorpio psycho dramas, crisis addiction to drama and conflict and crisis and all of that, and tourists is about peace and simplicity and love.

Garden and great meals and wonderful textiles and fabrics and beauty and love, so


lot of drama to be had, but we're trying to exhume it out so we can enjoy life . I think




24, 7, work, capitalism, all that, it's gonna crumble. And then us villagers, all of us entrepreneurs are gonna pick up a brick and be able to put it all back together and we'll be able to actually be a village again and be

humanity. So that's,


reality right now. There's stuff happening all over the world that's amazing. People are doing their own insurance companies for the people, by the people that you know is affordable. They're doing their own healthcare systems and their own education systems.

Like this world is changing. What people don't realize is we already did one of the hard pieces of infiltrating the patriarchy or the dominated culture, cuz that word can be very triggering. For, , really healthy men unfortunately be, but patriarchy isn't good for men or women. It's, it's not good for , but I try to, I try to be conscious with using that word because it's not about male bashing at all in any way, , but we, we infiltrated it by being born at this time, so we already did that hard work and it's and then we're dismantling it within our psyche, removing that programming, deprogramming our psyche, soul from all of those ways.

And there's so many. Fellows in the culture. There's so much programming in the culture and we're all doing it individually by doing the inner work. And don't you feel like there's this narcissistic like revolution awakening happening on the planet? Like I'm just seeing it everywhere. People are waking up and being like, Whoa, I had this narcissist in my life.

Time to go, You know, and getting wise to it.


many to go through all the pages and they're all title Empath and the Narciss.

So it like, um, this is



There's like two people who are unhealthy and they just kind of try and fill each other's holes in wounds with each other, and therefore you get the impath and the narcissist.





from a soul perspective and what the soul, because if you take your chart, you know, you're hd too. It, it's just so amazing that we have these ways to work with ourself and get to know ourselves at these deep levels. Cuz most people don't realize they don't actually have that deep intimacy with self.

And they, they're like, I know you know my favorite color and my favorite drink and I love lemonade, but you don't really. Yourself at the soul level until you're going in and it, it's so amazing when you do, cuz the empowerment and the connection to self and the honoring and loving yourself, that just deepens, it's bottomless.

But when you look at the chart, it, it's actually all this blank pages, all this potentiality, all this possibility of what your soul wanted to create and the greatness that you can step into and, and be, do, have whatever you want and do amazing impacts. World. And then we have the part of our chart where it's like our soul chose to, to get with this person and wrap up some past life karma to get with this person and have this challenge so we could learn some more humility, so we could learn some more, , skills for the road and things we needed to be a teacher, a guide, a leader.

, we decided to do have these challenges. So we choose as a soul to have, this, life and this trajectory, although, , I'm saying it very simply. a lot more, you know, deeper than that, break it down into simple terms.


I was very dominating, I was very judgey. I, you know, was very vain.


like, I really respect your opinion and I don't wanna like, you know, say there's not all of these sides, like we have to have all the sides to the piece. But I really do want to at least express something that I see a lot in the coaching work that I've been doing and, , for over 10 years.

And this work that I've been doing in self development and, coaching for a very long time is, I the spiritual community, people are blaming theirselves and they wanna take responsibility, quote unquote, and they want to be the empowered one. But this is something that narcissistic abusers use against people to make you feel, because people that do the inner work will always look at where they need to improve and do better.

It's our natural set point. We're always wanting to grow, we're always wanting to improve. And so being judgmental, that's just a shadow side of vir. It's, it's like, you know, it's, it's just like when you're, you know, Virgo has to have discernment and to discern, we have to judge the the what of what of something.

Right? And so it's really just that, like we have the unconscious expression and the conscious expression, but that doesn't make you have narcissistic tendencies. I, I, I personally, I wanna honor your opinion, and I'm not saying it's not true too, but I,



and taking responsibility for what is actually the abuse that really happened.

And there's a difference to sit in it and then to never change or never work on yourself. But too many of us are saying that. We did wrong when we didn't. That's the gaslighting, that's the abuse. Yes, We're always gonna be growing. But that domination thing too, like that could be shadow Scorpio. That could be shadow Capricorn.

Also, it could be this response to trying to have your soul fight to have your own authority and your own ground and get out of that abuse. And so it kind of develops in this kind of, Negative form of it, but it's the only thing your soul can do to try to grab some ground until you can finally escape and then you realize it, and then you're like, Okay, I don't wanna show up with the rest of the normal people in my life that way, you know, for lack of a better word, but like to, So to be honest, I just really, I don't, Yeah, I don't really think of it in that way.

I just really. Don't want people to be blaming themselves because they're I, I think it's like you're already somebody that grows and is very introspective and very, um, you know, self inquiring.






Yeah. And the trigger shows us where to go in and do the inner work, but there's also, we need to look at the outside. It's a both, right? We need to look at the inside, but the outside too, and be like, What is this person that's triggering me? Are they, You know, Because yeah, that, and that was something he did away.

He's like, I'm trying to show you your triggers. I'm healing you and all this stuff, and it, I wasn't an idiot. I wasn't somebody that just was like, Yeah, I need somebody to heal me. It was just more of. Well, I'm gonna go in, I'm gonna do the inner work. And it's, it's me, you know, he gaslight me to think it's me all the time.

And, you know, it was a crazy piece of the puzzle that it's like, well, what healing you need to do? Are you doing the inner work? Are you doing anything? You know, come to find out. And he hid, he hid his whole real self. So well, like he has this whole other identity that he created, this loving light, , you know, creation.

Nothing like he actually is. He actually has to work at it to that, self intact. It's kind of like being an actor where they're a method actor and they have that, you know, persona, but then they're tired at the end of the day and they go be their regular self again. Right? And to keep that up, it's a lot of energy out, but it's very practiced.

They've done it a lot. It's their skill set. It's the, it's what they're good at so they can do it. So he just puts on this. And whenever things weren't working, cuz my soul was fighting him constantly and like, No, this is spiritual abuse. No this is this, this is manipulation. You're doing this. My, I was waking up the whole time and it was like this, this song lyric, you know, I was blind all the, all the time I was learning to see, you know, and so, And so I was pointing it out and it would make him stumble with his mask.

And so he would get meaner and more abusive and his mask would slip and he was just being outrageous all the time and he wasn't really keeping that mask in place very well. And, and people were noticing, and you know, it's. It's very funky. Like to have just two complete identities, you know, But, and he hid, he hid all of the things he was doing so well, and so it very, very like curated, very carefully crafted.


And the other person works on something. So what are you working on, .

I got it. I'm already working on it cuz I'm

already thinking about it. like, so what are you gonna work on?


healthy people? And, and yeah, it gets deep. Like, like you said, you know, we could definitely talk, Talk on





women to know that a lot of times as women, we didn't get that space and grace growing up, um, in this world and, and how, where we're socialized and in this western culture particularly. To know our feminine genius or for someone to be curious about it or, or to have space to grow, to suck at things, to be messy, to just create, create, create, so we can have it bubble up within us.

And so I would really encourage you to go to that inner voice, that heart, that inner authority, that inner vision always and first. And also to give your cha self a chance to be messy and wild and suck at things so that you can let that feminine. Bubble up within you and find your amazingness that I, that, you know, we can just keep going deeper and deeper touching into




your conversation today, Jude, and all of your amazing wisdom. Where can listeners find



You can get on the Goddess Sociology dot.



chart and, um, start to learn 10 planets, two nodes and rising. Sign by house and sign and, start to get to yourself so beautifully.






I didn't say that you're too sensitive. No one will ever believe you.

If these phrases are. Familiar and you may be dealing with a narcissist

my book empath and the narcissist. Is for you. How to overcome narcissistic abuse and recover from PTSD, codependency, gaslighting, and manipulation.

With 20 plus healing resources, guided meditations and exercises with journal prompts for healing, including human design and astrology concepts.

With a bonus, the four ways to set powerful boundaries workshop included inside. Then you will definitely want to grab my book this season as we approach the holiday season. I wish to support you with a free digital copy of my book. You can download it for free@ravenscott.show forward slash and path. And the narcissist.

If you wish to feel alive again. And take back the power in your life and scroll to the show notes and click over to grab your free digital PDF. Copy of my book today.

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See you next episode.

Madhvi is helping people release Baggage breaking negative patterns and finding the root causes with the emotion and body code. Visit www dot Madhvi dot CA. That's M a D H V I dot. Dot CA. I can personally attest that this is an amazing way to heal trauma out that you can't do with meditation. And.

Thought therapy and talk therapy and all the things. So. Reach out to her and A free 30 minute consultation to see if That can help you.

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Hey Raven loved the Workshop, So appreciative thank you for all the support in this Empath & Narc World.
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I want to thank you so much, your emails and words help me everyday. I am so grateful for your guidance and support. I wish I could give more 😥

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About the Podcast

Empath And the Narcissist: Spiritual Healing with Human Design from Narcissistic Abuse & PTSD
Helping Empaths Heal from Narcissistic Abuse with Human Design
Do you feel trapped in a cycle of abuse, constantly wondering if it's your fault?
In this podcast I shed light on powerful tools for healing and spread awareness and education about Narcissistic Abuse.
This show aims to empower you to shift from being on the emotional rollercoaster of lost and confused in the fog of the Narcissist, to thriving and knowing your authentic self.

You will get messages to your soul three times a week, (T,TH,Sat.) in recovery & healing from Narcissist abuse and childhood trauma through Human Design, self care, mindfulness advice, and expert interviews.

If you are ready to shift from survivor to thriver then hit follow and listen to regain your sparkle back after narcissistic abuse.

And listen to S5 Ep. 10: Are Narcissists Master Manipulators or Idiots? to start

"When it comes to the story of your life, let no one else hold the pen." - Raven Scott

Your host: Raven is a Narcissist abuse survivor, Author, Certified Meditation Teacher and Human Design Reader. More than 10 years later I now am a happily married mom of two, and passionate about preventing people from entering into toxic relationships and helping victims leave and overcome the pain from narcissist abuse.

Healing from PTSD, emotional abuse, havoc on your self worth from the Narcissist requires months to years of self care, EFT tapping, inner child meditation, self care, self discovery, journaling, and support in therapy from professionals and coaches. All tools which you can practice with Raven in her book Empath & The Narcissist.

Topics covered:
Tuesday: Narc Abuse Healing with Human Design Info
Thursday: Guest Featured Healing Tools
Saturday: Wednesday's Live Replay YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7aia23E-LDXhZobUmzTcgg
Get your FREE Human Design Personalized Chart and gain healing messages via you inbox

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Raven Scott

Raven Scott is a survivor of an abusive relationship with a narcissist. From people pleaser to kick ass author, podcaster, & mentor, she is a certified meditation teacher and Destiny Coach. She teaches you how to shed people-pleasing patterns one step at a time to find your power & potential through healing so you can kick ass in THIS life. Her focus is to help you tune into your soul’s healing, learning & purpose with intuition, meditations, North Node Medicine & Human Design. Join her in soul-filled podcast community on Facebook. Women Empaths Self Development to Unlock Your Destiny