10 Steps to Live Narc FREE

woman running free with text "10 Steps to Break Free from the Narcissist"
Free PDF Guide

Uncover the Guide That Will Help You Break Free!

Are you ready to release negative energy and build confidence?

If you’re an empath seeking to break free from the shadow of toxic relationships, this book is your beacon of hope.

Then this book is for you!

Join 1,000+ survivors, get your empowerment coaching audio delivered right to your inbox.

10 Steps To Live Narc Free


5.0 out of 5 stars Couldn’t Put THIS ONE Down Either!!

“I couldn’t put this book down until I had read it cover to cover as well!! As always, Raven brings her fresh, open-minded perspectives on everything from human design to continuing to work on healing” – Kindle Reader


5.0 out of 5 stars

A Powerful Resource

“This book helps you to take your time to heal and find your own spiritual answers. The assignments that are given, make you come back to it time and time again and you want to have it laying around to read it whenever you want!” -Tiffany


5.0 out of 5 stars A wealth of transformative tools 💗

“This book feels like a personalized roadmap for an empath seeking freedom from toxic relationships. The insightful journal prompts and a clear breakdown of Human Design, gave me insightful tools in rewriting my stories to reclaiming my power.” – Sarah C.

“Someone who makes your brain so fogged up, should not be in your life.”

Raven Scott
5 pages of a workbook, with divine feminine graphics, mantras overlapped . With cover of guidebook purple starry night with moon and butterflies over a dark purple forest with text "Empath's Guide to Rising Strong Human Design Workbook for Self-Discovery. Available on Amazon"
Empath’s Guide to Rising Strong

Are you an Empath seeking freedom from the grip of a Narcissist?

This comprehensive resource is designed to help you navigate the complex dynamics of toxic relationships and reclaim your power.

Learn how to set boundaries, heal from past wounds, and create a life of peace and fulfillment.

Join our community of Empaths on the path to healing today!

✔️ Energetically Release the Pain

✔️ Activate Discernment

✔️ Reclaim Your Power Back

Join Our Community and Break Free From the Narcissist Today!

You are strong because you have survived Narcissistic abuse. But we don’t heal on our own.

One of the blessings of hosting the Empath & the Narcissist podcast, is I have been able to discuss, share, and ponder through my healing process. The journey is not one to do alone.